First Grade Weekly News! October 18, 2024
Please be sure to check hw folder each day. Empty out the papers in the leave at home section. Place the HW packet in the HW folder each day.
*NEW* RED (Read Every Day) Folders went home this week. Please read with your child as they do their daily reading. Ask your child two or three questions from the list in the folder. Please sign the RED folder nightly. We will use this instead of the reading log that was in your child’s homework packet.
*NEW* We are preparing for regular trips to the library. Please fill out the application that is in your child’s homework folder and return it to school so they will have a library card!
*NEW* Please sign the media release form in your child’s homework folder if you consent to your child’s photograph on social media.
What We Are Learning:
This week in Fundations we worked on tapping to read and tapping to spell words. We used sentence frames to talk about what every sentence has (a beginning capital letter and ending punctuation). We also “scooped” sentences to practice reading with fluency.
EL: This week in EL we talked alot about habits of character, with a focus on initiative and perseverance. Students practiced close reading with a fun read aloud called The Little Red Pen.
Here is a link to a video of the book. We practiced the things close readers do like look closely at the pictures, reread the text, and ask and answer questions about the text. Students had time in the labs block to build a boat for pennies to float on, build with blocks, and create stories with finger puppets.
Math: In math we continued to prepare for our in class assessment. We reviewed addition and subtraction facts up to 10, how we collect data, and looked at samples of surveys. We also had our first in class math assessment. In Unit 2, we will be studying addition and subtraction story problems.
Home School Connection:
Draw or bring in a picture of a building that you like.
Looking Ahead:
Halloween Parade & PTA Meeting October 31st
No School November 1: Diwali
No School November 5: Election Day
Half Day November 7 (11:25am dismissal): Parent Teacher Conferences
First Grade Weekly News! October 2, 2024
What We Are Learning:
Fundations: In Fundations this week we learned about t
EL: We have continued our unit on tools. We are continuing to build on their understanding of tools and work by considering how habits of character also help us do work. This unit introduces three habits of character that help students be effective learners: initiative, collaboration, and perseverance. Students study these habits through literature and experience. This week we have focused specifically on listening and responding to the ideas of our classmates.
Math: In math, students are continuing to play games to boost addition and subtraction fluency. They have also started to sort shapes into different categories. Students are sorting objects and then drawing a representation of how they are sorted with pictures or symbols.
Home School Connection:
Ask a grown up to tell you about something that was hard for them to accomplish. What made it hard? How did they persevere?
Looking Ahead:
- No School October 3 & 4: Rosh Hoshanah
- No School October 14th: Italian Heritage/Indigenous People’s Day
- No School November 1: Diwali
- No School November 5: Election Day
- Half Day November 7 (11:25am dismissal): Parent Teacher Conferences